Technical Lead
1) Management API
An IoT application built using microservice's based on .NET Framework on the backend and Angular on the frontend. The complex application has a bunch of components. Each component is deployed separately and has its own process to run. It requires the ActiveMQ broker-api to create queues for the device's and ActiveMQ server for publishing the configuration to the ActiveMQ queue.
2) Operational Intelligence
Operational Intelligence deals with improving the efficiency, reduce costs, reduce variability in quality of plant operations. This application is conceptualized mainly for Pulp & Paper industry the framework is designed to cater multiple industry use cases with required customization where ever necessary. It includes prediction and forecasting of soft sensor using AI/ML based models to provide users critical deviation information well in advance before the actual data is produced.
3) ABB's next-generation Asset Performance Management (APM)
ABB Ability Genix Asset Performance Management Suite brings next-generation AI-based predictive maintenance, asset reliability and integrity insights to process and utility industries. Genix APM is an enterprise-grade application that monitors assets, prescribes maintenance actions, improves equipment utilisation, and supports life cycle analysis and capital planning. Genix APM Predict minimizes maintenance costs and maximizes production time so you can keep production optimal with the highest safety and quality standards.
Role : Full Stack Developer
Skills : JavaScript, Angular 8/9/10/11/12/13/14, ReactJS, C#, .NET Core, .NET 5.0, TypeScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Node.js, HTML/CSS
Software’s/Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2012, Git Lab, Git Bash, Qlik
Sense Desktop, My SQL, Postman, Beyond Compare, Notepad++